Webinář Podpora pozitivního chování u dětí a dospívajících s DS

Vážení rodiče,
zveme Vás na další zajímavý webinář z dílny Evropské asociace Downova Syndromu EDSA. Tentokát na téma podpora pozitivního chování u dětí a dospívajících s DS. Více jako 30 % dětí a dospívajících s DS má problémy s chováním. Ty se často přenášejí i do dospělosti. Pojďmě si o nich povídat a preventovat je. 
Termín: středa 20. 10. 2021 v 17:00 hod. přes Zoom.
Téma: Podpora pozitivního chování u dětí dospívajících s DS / Supporting Positive Behavior in Children and Teens with Down Syndrome - v anglickém jazyce.
Přednášející: Dr. David Stein, New England Neurodevelopment (USA).
Supporting Positive Behavior in Children and Teens with Down Syndrome: The respond but don’t react method. 
Behavior problems impact 30% of children with Down syndrome.  Left untreated, these same children often exhibit behavior problems as adults, limiting work and independent living opportunities.  
Many behavioral management tools are less effective for children with DS. This workshop will present the basic neuroscience of Down syndrome and how this informs effective behavior management, with practical strategies provided for use in the home and school settings from childhood through transition to adulthood. 
1. Participants will understand the basic brain profile in DS, in relation to behavior specifically.
2. Participants will learn behavior principles and strategies that are effective in DS.
3. Participants will understand the concepts of the neuroscience of DS and behavior management in DS in a manner that is flexible and can be applied to a wide variety of situations. 
Dr. David Stein is the founder of New England Neurodevelopment, LLC, a pediatric psychology practice in the greater Boston area of Massachusetts (www.NENeurodevelopment.com).  
He is a pediatric psychologist specializing in neuropsychological testing, behavioral and cognitive-behavioral therapy, and parent training.  
Dr. Stein speaks nationally and internationally about various topics in neurodevelopment including ADHD, learning disorders, intellectual disability, and Down syndrome.  
He is a graduate of Tufts University and William James College.  He completed his clinical training at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital, where he remained on the faculty for several years, through 2016.  
Dr. Stein is the author of the book Supporting Positive Behavior in Children and Teens with Down Syndrome: The Respond, but Don't React Method (Woodbine House, 2016).