Webinář na téma školní inkluze

Nabízíme Vám účast na webináři na téma inkluze. Webinář je v anglickém jazyce a je zdarma.


Detaily týkající se webináře:


Date: Wednesday, 20.January 2021, 17.00 h. CET, per Zoom


Speaker: Gillian Bird, Services Director, Down’s Syndome Association


Topic: School Inclusion


Education: social inclusion and curriculum access

The session will provide guidance about how to implement inclusion in the classroom for learners who have Down’s syndrome aged 4 to 12 years.

It will include recommendations for teachers, teaching assistants and parents, and provide examples of adaptations for inclusive teaching and learning.


Registration: https://forms.gle/m8cvJat7QpVAiJuZ7


Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86434368763

Meeting ID: 864 3436 8763